Operational planning

Laboratory of Green & Blue ideas > Blue Lab > Operational planning

Strategy is the “direction and scope ” of a company (or an organization) over the long term, which allows it to achieve a competitive advantage. It is implemented by utilizing its resources and capabilities, and in order to meet the needs of the market and the fulfillment of the expectations of the stakeholders , in the context of a dynamically changing environment. (Johnson and Scholes 1999, :https://bit.ly/2VRa2aX).

Strategic management according to M. Porter (1991: https://bit.ly/2Yo6gaP),refers to the choices of products to be produced and services to be offered. Functional efficiency in their production is a prerequisite for creating a competitive advantage and value.

Strategy is the means of adapting the business to its environment, the frequent and unexpected changes of which are a source of risk and opportunity for profit. The best way for a business to anticipate the future is to “systematically prepare for it.” The current strategy is the result of the effects of the industry and specifically of competitors, customers and suppliers, but also of the goals, but the latter is missing, we simply have the survival of the business. In case we do not have an effective strategy (either at the time of arrest or execution) death is the result. The existence of functional efficiency or not, simply delays or aggravates death respectively, according to M. Porter, as shown in the following diagram:

The creation of a competitive comparative advantage is a form of dynamic response of the company, aiming to cover the revenue gap that is necessary to ensure and deepen its viability. This is often achieved in a highly competitive, sufficiently unstable, fluid and unpredictable environment of intangible change, often characterized by the entropy phenomenon. In the context of a relentless, relentless, relentless and relentless competition that haunts the market and that is inevitably instilled by the unhindered action of its “five” forces, the strategy shields and secures the future of the business unscathed.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS specialize in the provision of comprehensive consulting services, for the promotion and support of appropriate business actions, in companies and organizations of the Private and Public Sector such as:

Επενδυτικών Έργων

Making investments is a key lever for the development of the Greek economy and stimulating employment. The need to implement investment projects that bring about structural change and modernize the way businesses and organizations operate, provide important tools for financing new investments, but require organization, planning and methodology to achieve the expected result.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS have significant experience and know-how in the utilization of financial tools in the framework of national and / or European programs, actions and initiatives, can effectively support companies in the utilization of these tools for Financing & Management of Investment Plans, providing comprehensive value, which are developed from the early stage of information and inclusion of investment projects in development programs, until the final completion of investments, accompanied by the payment of grants.

Business Planning refers to the preparation of an integrated strategic plan which consists of three strategic sub-plans for the three basic functions of the company (marketing, financial management and organization – which includes human resource management). The individual plans are as follows:

  • Strategic Marketing Plan
  • Strategic Economic Plan
  • Strategic Organizational Plan

Business Planning is essential for the company because it shows the evolution of the variables of its environment, analyzes its history and gives it guidelines to survive in the difficult competitive environment of the times and to grow.

Our Economists and technical staff have extensive experience in business plan development and are ready to analyze complex designs regardless of the size of the business or organization.

In this context, data are drawn from the company and its competitive environment, market trends are analyzed and the business strategy and goals of the company are drawn, composing the data with years of business experience, to achieve the ideal result.

Μελέτες Σκοπιμότητας & Βιωσιμότητας

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS are able to complete Feasibility Studies aimed at analyzing a proposed business argument to determine the chances of success of this project. Based on this study, business consultants decide whether it is profitable for their client to make an investment. The complete drafting of a feasibility study requires:

  • Geographical and spatial study
  • Market Analysis (size, competition, position of the company, recognition of strategic advantages)
  • Economic and technical analysis of the investment
  • Technical specifications

As a feasibility / sustainability study we define the process of identifying problems and opportunities, targeting, finding appropriate solutions as well as weighing the disadvantages and advantages of the various alternatives. If the study shows that the business idea is viable, the next step is its implementation. The results of the sustainability study contribute to the analytical planning and reduce the time of data collection during the implementation of the business plan